what's your story?


Oct 28, 2021
I want to get to know all of you here at the forum.

No personal info but tell me about your favourite shows, what do you bet? What are your political views? Where did your username came from?

All that jazz

New member
May 10, 2022
Hello, I'm Dr.Lecter and I'm a... LOL no seriously, my username obviously came from my addiction to thrillers.
F*** them guns and F*** them people allowing them.

Oh and I don't really bet anymore but when I do, I bet everything

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Hey Look we not even 1 person deep and the politics have started....

LOL at censoring thread cuz politics....no way to separate it these days.

Wish that were not the case but that is the reality of today.

Oct 28, 2021
As long as we keep it friendly and stay on the subject of the thread, it's all good.

Let's not bring politics to a kids party, agree?

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
As long as we keep it friendly and stay on the subject of the thread, it's all good.

Let's not bring politics to a kids party, agree?
I mean the fellas second sentence is

F*** them guns and F*** them people allowing them.

dont sound too friendly to me, just saying....I didnt respond to him but a post like that BEGS for one...

Oct 18, 2008
Hey Look we not even 1 person deep and the politics have started....

LOL at censoring thread cuz politics....no way to separate it these days.

Wish that were not the case but that is the reality of today.
The original post asked for political views....

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
The original post asked for political views....
True, sounds good to me.

I was referring more about the mixed messages from the mods...on one hand threads are being moved at random under the guise of politics, on the other a mod starts a thread asking about political views.

There is NO way people are gonna post political views without there being back and forth commentary about it....and that back and forth gonna get heated naturally.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
F*** them guns and F*** them people allowing them.
Oh , you talking about these fellas


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
My childhood name is my username

I'm a right-wing extremist according to our media, and the biggest problem with this country

I gamble to have fun, never lose sleep

I work hard to play hard

Enjoy exotic vacations, gourmet meals, craft cocktails, craps and friends

I never lie

Good and smart people can and do disagree

My kids are amazing, my single biggest accomplishment

I'm a cocky son of a bitch

Oct 13, 2021
I'm an old school guy but in my mid twenties. I love sports. I mean with a passion. Watching sports, playing and definitely betting on sports. I'll bet MLB, NHL, NBA, NFL. The most fun is NFL. Teasers in the NFL...I make a killing off em.

I'm a fitness freak but I love red meat. I can't stop. And I probably drink too much on weekends. Red wine, scotch neat, Vodka and orange juice is my favorite. Beer of course.

Son of immigrants who came here with nothing and became millionaires through hard work. And I mean HARD work. Blue collars jobs. Put me through a good school and I make a good living now and can't complain about anything.

I have very thick skin. I love to meet all types of different people and try all sorts of different food.

I am a proud Democrat. I have friends that are both Democrats and Republicans. (no extremists on either side though)

I love vacations to Cancun, Switzerland and all over the world but especially Switzerland. That country has figured it all out. No lie. Paradise. Closest thing to a perfect society compared to any country in the world that I've personally been to. And I've been to a lot.

I like to go to extremes when with my online aliases. Won't lie. Especially when I see people or things I don't agree with. I'm never myself online. I don't care to be or see the point. I have many friends and a vibrant social life. I feel no need to connect with people online. I know for some, forums and social media is their life or a big part of it, and they make real connections there. That's fine by me. It's cool.

I have a wonderful, gorgeous German girlfriend who just did her residency. She's way too good for me. I don't get it. Never will. But although I played the field and even cheated on her a couple of times and got caught during the early parts, I'm committed now and put a ring on it. Proud interracial relationship.

I'm tough as nails. Love to work out. Love playing in my basketball and football leagues. I work hard and party hard. White collar job. People that I know that work blue collar jobs think I have a cushy, overpaid white collar job and mock me when I say I work hard...but I'll tell ya, work that wears you out mentally is more tiring than physical labor.

I'm a homophobe. I don't agree with the lifestyle. I won't lie. I'm a jerk about it. But have worked VERY hard to try to be tolerant and keep it to myself and just evolve and let people be. It still irks me tremendously when I see a gay couple kissing in public and I get horrified at the thought of gay men raising kids, especially a little boy. I'm sorry. Keeping it real.

As I said, I'm a proud Democrat but I'm pro gun and against illegal immigration but very much for legal immigration. It's what made and makes this country great.

Nevermind the other stuff I say on this forum. This is the first and only real post I will make on here.

I think some of the posters on this site, the ones that despise eachother...if they met in real life (if both parties agreed not to throw down instantly upon meeting) and sat down had a beer and watched a ball game would hit it off and have a blast haha. Not all, just a few posters. I can just tell by their personalities.

My favorite teams, Steelers, Ravens (yes I can love both) Saints, Washington Capitals, New York Knicks, Lakers, Yankees.

Favorites players: Peyton Manning, Dree Brees, Big Ben, Antonio Brown, Tony Romo, Ovechkin, Michael Jordan (GOAT) Kobe Bryant (R.I.P)

Favorite shows, Seinfeld, 70s Show and a ton more. Favorite movie is PAIN AND GAIN and Goodfellas and Scarface and Training Day and Gladiator.

Favorite actors, Ray Liotta (R.I.P) Al Picino, Jennifer Lawrence, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Stallone, Arnold, Denzel.

I think this is an interesting thread and a good idea. I think it would be great to keep politics and personal vendettas and agendas out of this thread. Try to get to know the real posters somewhat and see where they are coming from. You might be surprised...Or at least get some insight on what makes them tick.


Jan 5, 2008
Was in TV for many years. Hit hard times and found the RX. Self esteem got better among all the fellow degenerates and left wing extremists. So life is better and it’s good having a safe space.

Love talking sports and breaking down games especially football. But nobody does that on here anymore. Nobody got time to hear about a 34 team playing a wide 9 getting gashed by inside runs with weak off ball Mike and Will guys. Just post a play and if it losses have thick skin because the I told ya so crowd will arrive. Don’t have a good record. Because your thread will get crushed with trolls. Never try and have an open discussion on a game to have open opinions on what side to play. Place had some legendary cappers here years ago.

Political? Voting is the dumbest things Americans do that changes nothing. If you didn’t learn that in high school when Tommy said vote for me I will make it free pizza Friday and handed out candy to never be seen again I don’t know what to say. Your vote don’t mean shit! You want votes to matter, then it should be voted on individually on state to State basis by THE PEOPLE. Other larger scale topics national vote. No more parties. From local (county) to (state) to (nation) should have the least amount of biased opinions explain what pro/con of voting x or z. People who don’t understand a topic won’t vote nearly as much. More problems will fix itself over time. If the people of California don’t want to send 40 billion to Ukraine then federal taxes of California will not be contributing to that 40 billion. If New York wants to then pony up. People go into politics for $ and a job that gets paid to just voice and opinion as labor. More people need some physical labor in life and away from behind the desk talking jobs. America got soft!

Both sides in a big club back door money laundering getting rich while idiots think they care about the people. Don’t care for most conservative opinions but absolutely despise anything that comes out the most hypocritical party on the left. Never seen such a disease ridden cult ideology in all my life. It’s almost as bad as people sending prayers think they are in some way changing or helping a situation. Boots on the ground if ya want to change something.

That’s my rant! Take the Chiefs -3 week 1! Take cardinals Under win total. They will be one of worst teams this year. Team has serious problems in trenches both sides of ball and a ego hurt crib midget QB. Coaching to GM to Team players don’t see eye to eye. Recipe for failure.

Oct 13, 2021
Was in TV for many years. Hit hard times and found the RX. Self esteem got better among all the fellow degenerates and left wing extremists. So life is better and it’s good having a safe space.

Love talking sports and breaking down games especially football. But nobody does that on here anymore. Nobody got time to hear about a 34 team playing a wide 9 getting gashed by inside runs with weak off ball Mike and Will guys. Just post a play and if it losses have thick skin because the I told ya so crowd will arrive. Don’t have a good record. Because your thread will get crushed with trolls. Never try and have an open discussion on a game to have open opinions on what side to play. Place had some legendary cappers here years ago.

Political? Voting is the dumbest things Americans do that changes nothing. If you didn’t learn that in high school when Tommy said vote for me I will make it free pizza Friday and handed out candy to never be seen again I don’t know what to say. Your vote don’t mean shit! You want votes to matter, then it should be voted on individually on state to State basis by THE PEOPLE. Other larger scale topics national vote. No more parties. From local (county) to (state) to (nation) should have the least amount of biased opinions explain what pro/con of voting x or z. People who don’t understand a topic won’t vote nearly as much. More problems will fix itself over time. If the people of California don’t want to send 40 billion to Ukraine then federal taxes of California will not be contributing to that 40 billion. If New York wants to then pony up. People go into politics for $ and a job that gets paid to just voice and opinion as labor. More people need some physical labor in life and away from behind the desk talking jobs. America got soft!

Both sides in a big club back door money laundering getting rich while idiots think they care about the people. Don’t care for most conservative opinions but absolutely despise anything that comes out the most hypocritical party on the left. Never seen such a disease ridden cult ideology in all my life. It’s almost as bad as people sending prayers think they are in some way changing or helping a situation. Boots on the ground if ya want to change something.

That’s my rant! Take the Chiefs -3 week 1! Take cardinals Under win total. They will be one of worst teams this year. Team has serious problems in trenches both sides of ball and a ego hurt crib midget QB. Coaching to GM to Team players don’t see eye to eye. Recipe for failure.
Love this post. Agree with so much on here. Almost everything.

See what I mean? Insight on the real person beside the online persona. Never know.

Yo Karla, and Mods. Fantastic idea starting this thread!

Chrishansen. Loved this post. genuine and hard. I hereby declare that I will stop bumping my threads in the politics forum. Take that to the bank! Mods feel free to ban me if I do it again.

Going to go back to focusing on sportsbetting. At least I get something out of it. If I lose...action. If I win..action AND money.

Life's too short. I hope to God I'm not like these old people going at it about politics and seething and foaming on some forum all day. I've wasted precious minutes going at it and in the end, nobody on some sports forum is going to sway any votes LOL.

Great post and I agree. Both Republicans and Democrats don't give a shit about us. That's facts. And if you work hard and save money..makes no difference to your day to day life who's in charge.

I never really cared about politics actually. Not until trump won. I refuse to believe that the most powerful nation in the world that sets the standard, can't do better than a leader that immaturely mocks women, people with disabilities, makes low brow sexist and racist remarks and calls people names, lies and a long list of nonsense. I refuse to believe this is what represents America. I know other Presidents have had their issues too. But trump has been a huge embarrassment to us in the world. Disgusting.

And here I go. Talking politics. My bad.

Nomore bumping thread and wasting my time in the politics forum. Sports only.

Oct 26, 2003
Gambling has been my life…

was on the ground floor of offshore gambling…

grew up in the sixties…

my daughter is my life…

very proud of my military service…

enjoyed my time in Costa Rica and working with great friends like Willy Loman helping orphans…

hate the fact that political parties can’t work together….

cringe at all the hate in America…

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Been perma banned twice now across street since 2010 just for exposing stooges? and frauds like ?? and also for posting political opinions contrary to moderator optional...I value freedoms rights and libertarianism...I want to defund the police in favor of more peacekeeping and truth seeking and less corruption and less taxes...I value TheRx for allowing posters to post freely with less moderation and less bannings:cheers:
Last edited:

Sep 21, 2004
Recently retired after almost 37 years at the post office, which is a great place for spiritual growth.
Always been a sports junkie. Played, watched, but actually didn't gamble all that much until I realized after about 3 months of marriage that it wouldn't last. I was 40, she was 28. I had shit. She didn't. So I started gambling because I realized my choices were to donate to either bookies, lawyers or her. Ended up raising two kids on my own. It was hard at times, but actually had a blast. Still have a hard time believing how f****d up the court system is for guys with minor children. All is good. I'm going to brag a little bit about my kids because it was hard for them and now one just started his residency at a top medical school and the other is a MMA fighter. I should add that they wouldn't have had the opportunities presented to them if not for my deadbeat drunk ass ex wife's Dad, whose is fucking awesome. I am an empty nester now and pretty much bored af. I am an Empath, therefore I am not able to watch or read about all the hate in the world today. I get my news and political info here at the RX. Thanks for the opportunity to vent. Nobody else wants to hear about my shit lol.

Oct 28, 2021
You guys are AMAZING!! Let me break it down because wow!!

@JATTKING You seem like one of the coolest people anyone can meet! Keep being cocky!
@chrishansen LOVE the way that you came up on RX!
@VIEJODINOSAUR THANK you so much for your service! Anything you need, RX is here for you!
@joebatters Does your son need a wife? (wink wink) Lol just kidding but hey! never be shy about your kids, seems like you did an amazing job!

You guys are sure to be one some the coolest people ever!

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